

It’s crazy to think that at the end of a gravel road, amid cattle grazing on peaceful rolling prairies, there was a 90 ton blast door ready to retract and allow a nuke-tipped missile to go annihilate the inhabitants of some Russian town.

This missile silo has of course been decommissioned, but I learned today that at the height of the Cold War, there were 1000’s of active sites like this all over the country, mostly out West. Now there are a mere 500 or so.

Unleashing nuclear devastation from such a serene, beautiful setting is pretty ironic.

I’ll definitely be checking out more Cold War stuff whenever I can.


RV trip, week 2 recap

We’re now 2 weeks into our RV trip. The first week was vacation, and this past week was us trying to figure out what “normal” is for us now. Here’s a recap of the week in The Badlands, South Dakota.

For those that don’t know (as was the case with me up until this week), The Badlands are a bunch of mountain-sized mounds of mud:

…that are really fun to climb:

As we drive around, we see animals everywhere, like these goats:

…and prairie dogs:

…Tatanka! Tatanka!:

…several funky-horned deer:

…and dime-a-dozen regular deer:

…and these crazy birds. This one in particular has been outside the RV all week with a very distinctive song (listen here):

We took the obligatory trip to Mt. Rushmore (it was way more interesting than I thought it would be):

…and we saw mountains NOT made of mud:

…and more rolling prairie that just seemed to go on forever:

That last picture was Custer State Park…it’s amazing. I felt like I was trapped in the Windows XP desktop, except it didn’t suck:

We went to the town of Wall and visited the curiously famous Wall Drug:

…and got caught up on some laundry:

There have been some strong winds all week, perfect for some kite flying:

(Sadly, the kite is no longer with us. As I said, strong winds.)

In the last half of the week, we enjoyed some more climbing near our campsite:

…where the sunsets have been gorgeous:

…as are the sunrises. I got up butt-crack of dawn yesterday and did some climbing:

…and then went to work. (What a way to start the work day, eh?)

Speaking of work, it went swimmingly well. I discovered that our car is a nice quiet place for making conference calls. Throughout the week I did most of my work at the kitchen table in the RV, but today the office was outside:

I’m sure there will be weeks where crappy internet makes work difficult, but based on how well this week went, it appears that perhaps I have not committed professional suicide by taking his trip. So, that’s a plus.

We break camp early tomorrow and get back on the road. Our destination? A Wal-mart parking lot somewhere in North Dakota. Seriously…I’ll upload a photo.


Natalie, getting country-fied at Wall Drug


The RV trip so far

The past few days have just been a blur. Before I get too far behind and forget the order of things, I wanted to document what has happened so far.

After some sad goodbyes, we headed out from my parents’ house on Tuesday the 14th:

We drove to St. Louis and stayed in a downtown RV park that had all the charm of a fenced in parking lot:

Of course, we visited the arch:

..and went up in the arch (can you tell which daughter is the worrier?)

We also spent an afternoon at the City Museum. If you ever go to St. Louis and DON’T visit the City Museum, you’ve wasted a trip.

After we left St. Louis, we had to take several detours as we continued West due to the Missouri river flooding many areas:

…and many other areas expecting to flood:

After 4 days and almost 1000 miles of scenery that looked largely indistinguishable from Indiana, we hit the South Dakota prairie, which was very cool. John-Dunbar-Dances-with-Wolves kind of cool:

And then, out of nowhere, the Badlands appeared. This is our spot for the week:


And this is my view from the RV for the week. (Badlands National Park, SD)

And this is my view from the RV for the week. (Badlands National Park, SD)


The trip has officially begun, and we are relaxing at our first destination: my parents’ house.

That’s right, my parents’ house…the place we’ve been staying since we moved out of our house two weeks ago.

Our plan was to be in St Louis on the 13th, but things were getting stressful, so we changed the plan. We had some discouraging setbacks with the supplemental breaking system on our Scion this morning and the RV wasn’t exactly packed well or even clean. Nevertheless, we could have thrown our crap in and sped off as planned, but why? Part of the objective with this trip is to slow down, be flexible, and do what makes sense given the circumstances—not be a slave to a rigid schedule.

Once we had that realization and made the decision to stay another night, the day suddenly got better. We got everything done, the RV cleaned (inside and out), and our stuff is meticulously organized. I can finally say we are ready, and that feels amazing.  We’ll head out first thing in the morning.

I’d like to formally thank my parents for their tireless help. I can only remember a couple other times in my life where I’ve exploited your time and energy like these last few days. Thank you a million times over. If not for you guys, we’d still be weeks away from being able to leave!



My girls numbing their brains in front of my parents’ TV. Soak it in while you can, girls….soak it in while you can.


A fun weekend at Amy’s parent’s house

…and a yummy going-away ice cream cake).


An RV trip update

Getting close now. Here’s what happened last week…

We weren’t fully moved out of our house when the renters arrived to move in last weekend, so we resorted to triaging our remaining junk in my grandma’s garage next door:

The renters were busy moving in upstairs, so here we are eating lunch in the basement:

We’re now staying at my parents’ house downtown. Parking space is very limited, but fortunately there is a perfect spot for the RV:

We sold our minivan:

I installed the towing baseplate on our Scion (I’m showing the torn-apart stage because I think it looks awesome):

We have one week left to install the inverter, the supplemental braking system, de-winterize the RV, and finishing some plumbing enhancements. The plan is still to leave on June 13.


A few pics of us in our empty house