We’re now 2 weeks into our RV trip. The first week was vacation, and this past week was us trying to figure out what “normal” is for us now. Here’s a recap of the week in The Badlands, South Dakota.
For those that don’t know (as was the case with me up until this week), The Badlands are a bunch of mountain-sized mounds of mud:

…that are really fun to climb:

As we drive around, we see animals everywhere, like these goats:

…and prairie dogs:

…Tatanka! Tatanka!:

…several funky-horned deer:

…and dime-a-dozen regular deer:

…and these crazy birds. This one in particular has been outside the RV all week with a very distinctive song (listen here):

We took the obligatory trip to Mt. Rushmore (it was way more interesting than I thought it would be):

…and we saw mountains NOT made of mud:

…and more rolling prairie that just seemed to go on forever:

That last picture was Custer State Park…it’s amazing. I felt like I was trapped in the Windows XP desktop, except it didn’t suck:

We went to the town of Wall and visited the curiously famous Wall Drug:

…and got caught up on some laundry:

There have been some strong winds all week, perfect for some kite flying:

(Sadly, the kite is no longer with us. As I said, strong winds.)
In the last half of the week, we enjoyed some more climbing near our campsite:

…where the sunsets have been gorgeous:

…as are the sunrises. I got up butt-crack of dawn yesterday and did some climbing:

…and then went to work. (What a way to start the work day, eh?)
Speaking of work, it went swimmingly well. I discovered that our car is a nice quiet place for making conference calls. Throughout the week I did most of my work at the kitchen table in the RV, but today the office was outside:

I’m sure there will be weeks where crappy internet makes work difficult, but based on how well this week went, it appears that perhaps I have not committed professional suicide by taking his trip. So, that’s a plus.
We break camp early tomorrow and get back on the road. Our destination? A Wal-mart parking lot somewhere in North Dakota. Seriously…I’ll upload a photo.